Would an insurance company consider a roller skating accident when you were 3 years old a
pre-existing condition?
Probably not. But you never know.
A pre-existing condition is: Any injury or sickness that manifested itself prior to the effective date of insurance coverage – regardless of whether you received medical attention for it or not.
A lot of us are perplexed because health insurance companies won’t cover pre-existing conditions. Companies know that if they cover all pre-existing conditions they won’t be in business long. Insuring a person with a pre-existing condition is like insuring a burning building. Of course no one wants to be compared to a burning building, but we get the picture. You insure a burning building, you are losing money; you insure a person with serious pre-existing conditions, you are losing money.
What you need to know is that different companies put a time limit on what is considered a pre-existing condition. Sometimes a condition can go back to your childhood. One insurance company gives a five-year look-back as the time span for determining a pre-existing condition. Others state time limits at 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, 60 months, etc.
Lesson: check with your insurance company on their time limits.
Call Good Neighbor Insurance for your international health and travel insurance needs.