Snowstorms cancel flights all across the U.S. this week? Be aware that the U.S. National Weather Service is predicting heavy snows this week in the Midwest and that as a result, snowstorms cancel flights (actually hundreds of scheduled flights, creating disruption of flight schedules), all across the USA. The snowstorm has been labeled “possibly historic” […]
Search Results
Preventing Nipah – Advice for travelers and expatriates
Preventing Nipah if you are a traveler to India or Malaysia or an expatriate living overseas – Some advice on things you can do to prevent nipah – First, know that the latest outbreak is not new, although the nipah virus is relatively unknown and has killed virtually all of its victims in India. […]
Group and Blanket International Travel Insurance
Here’s a brief explanation why you should consider group or blanket group travel insurance….If you have a team traveling overseas. Or a tour group. Or a group of volunteers that help you every year. You are responsible for organizing a group of people who will be traveling overseas. You have required each participant and volunteer in […]
“Must-have” travel items for 2018 – Our best travel gear recommendations
Absolute “must-have” travel items for 2018: New travel gear you’ll want to pack in your bag in 2018 No “click-bait,” numbered page slide shows here (where you have to visit 20 pages in turn to see all the recommendations)! All our gear recommendations are on one page, all easy-to-read, no-nonsense suggestions for yourself, or ready […]
Monkeypox: An Update to the Travel Medical Guide 2017
MONKEYPOX: An emerging epidemic once again? Here is an update to our latest free travel medical guide (at the bottom of this post. It will become a part of that .pdf book in the future) – Monkeypox Monkeypox is a rare disease even in western and central Africa where it predominates however it is especially […]
Scholarship Advice for International Students
Studying overseas can be very expensive, especially in the USA. In the last 10 years tuition and fees at public four-year institutions increased at an average rate of 3.5% per year beyond inflation, according to a report from the College Board. They also reported that the average annual cost of tuition at a four-year private […]
5 Common Mistakes International Students Make at College
Your first semester as an international student on a U.S. college campus is a time filled with many emotions. This might include excitement, nervousness, anxiety, anticipation, curiosity, and more. Here are 5 common mistakes international students make during their first semester at college in the U.S. Not arriving on campus early enough Not getting involved […]
New US Domestic Travel Restrictions
Imagine spending hours upon hours planning a trip and also spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on airline tickets. Finally, your departure day comes, and you’re incredibly excited. You get all packed up, drive to the airport, approach the security check-in, hand them your driver’s license. Then you hear them say you aren’t allowed […]
Jet lag tips for frequent flyers and pilots / flight attendants
Jet lag tips for frequent flyers: How pilots deal with jet lag These jet lag tips are for serious travelers. Learn how airline pilots cope with changing time zones and how to beat jet lag for frequent flyers. I was talking to a friend the other day who just happens to be a pilot. We […]
Traveling with a Disability, Pt. 4 – Traveling with Blindness
Traveling with blindness / vision impairment This is the fourth article in a series on Traveling With A Disability: Traveling with Blindness. The introduction to the series (and an index) can be found here. In this article we will be specifically addressing blind travel – traveling with blindness or severe vision loss. Plan ahead One of […]
Travel with Disabilities – Deaf Travel / Hard-of-hearing
How to Optimize Your Deaf Travel Experience Traveling as a deaf or hearing-impaired person can be frustrating and unsafe. Deaf travel is an even greater challenge when traveling outside the U.S., since there are often no explicit laws and services protecting or serving deaf persons. If you’re traveling overseas as a deaf person for the […]
Traveling with a Physical Disability – Travel with mobility disabilities
Traveling With a Physical Disability / Mobility Disability This is the second article in a series on Traveling With A Disability: Traveling with a physical disability. The Introduction (and index) can be found here. In this article we will be specifically addressing traveling with a physical disability and travel with mobility issues. Our hope at […]
Traveling With A Disability – Part 1
Let’s talk about traveling with a disability. This series of articles on traveling with a disability will be linked in an index for easy reading/retrieval. Our hope is it might help you as you travel or help others travel well and safely. That is our goal at Good Neighbor Insurance! Traveling with a disability may […]
Airlines Passenger Satisfaction – Are Air Travel Awards Trustworthy?
Airlines Passenger Satisfaction surveys AND Customer Service Awards – How trustworthy are Air Travel Awards? Airlines are making fewer mistakes according to a new study, but airline passenger satisfaction surveys aren’t helping United and their almost yearly errors in judgement in serving customers. #United and #flight3411 and #UnitedAirlines are all trending on Twitter again this […]
Do I need a Passport Card if I Already Have a Valid Passport?
Answers to Your Questions About Passport Cards People preparing to travel overseas frequently ask questions like, “Do I need a passport card if I have a passport book?”, “How do I get one?” and “Should I bring it when traveling overseas?” Maybe you’re about to travel and are wondering the same thing. Learn about passports […]