Traveling is a lot of fun, but also can be very challenging. There are many things to plan, organize, and prepare. And so many things can go wrong.
However, just like anything else in life, there are tips and tricks to make it easier. Once you have traveled enough, you learn shortcuts and things that make your travels even better. From scoring upgrades to the best way to pack a suitcase, anything that can make the hassle of jet-setting a little easier can be a lifesaver.
Our staff at Good Neighbor Insurance has done our fair share of traveling both domestically and internationally. We’ve put together a list of 21 expert travel tips based on our experiences and the experiences of other travel experts. Read below to help make your next adventure the best one of your life!
21 of the Best Travel Tips from Experts
Tip #1 – Slow down. Patience is a virtue, especially while traveling. It can be tempting to pack your schedule full and rush from place to place to fit in as much as possible. However, if you don’t slow down, you may not fully enjoy all your experiences as you’ll always be thinking about what’s next. It also will cause much stress and panic if things do not go as planned. Which brings us to the next point.
Tip #2 – Be flexible. If you have done much traveling internationally, you know things never go exactly as planned. Flights are delayed, bags get lost, reservations are missed, accidents happen, bad weather arises, and sometimes we get sick. It’s important to go with the flow and make back up plans so you can adjust accordingly. Your adventure will be much less stressful if you learn how to be flexible.
Tip #3 – Leave your comfort zone. This expert travel tip isn’t easy, but it’s important. A major part of traveling involves being uncomfortable sometimes. Being in a new place, surrounded by a different language, unfamiliar with the culture can cause uneasiness. Fortunately, most people are friendly and patient if you keep a humble, positive attitude. Trying new things can lead you to fall in love with something or somewhere new, but you need to be willing to be uncomfortable at first.
Tip #4 – Sleep can wait. I’m not saying you shouldn’t sleep. It’s important to take care of your health while traveling, so you can enjoy your time there. Sleep is part of that. But, also don’t sleep too much. Be willing to wake up early or stay up late, so you can make sure you accomplish everything you set out to do. Getting up early also has another advantage: beating the crowds.
Tip #5 – Take extra forms of payment. Most people rarely use cash anymore, but we recommend always traveling with some just in case. You can always use it as a backup. Also, take multiple credit cards and debit cards in the event one is declined, lost, or stolen. It’s better to have extras than to try getting a new one while in a foreign place.
Tip #6 – Record important information before you go. Write down the address of your hotels, flight numbers, friends’ phone numbers, and other necessary travel information before you leave. You never know when your cell phone battery might die or you have no signal. It’s an incredibly hopeless feeling arriving and not knowing where you’re supposed to be going.
Tip #7 – Pack gear to help you sleep. This expert travel tip is one we had to learn the hard way. Sleeping can be challenging on the airplane, buses, and low-priced hotels. Neck pillows, ear plugs, and an eye mask can make a huge difference between getting a decent night sleep and no sleep. Experiment with different types of sleep gear to discover which one works best for you.
Tip #8 – Pack light. Many Americans tend to overpack. We always worry that we might run out of clothes and try to prepare for all types of weather. Most of the time, we don’t end up using everything we pack. Next time, bring some laundry detergent or plan on doing laundry in order to bring a smaller suitcase. You can also purchase a jacket, sweatshirt, or socks at your destination if necessary.
Tip #9 – Book reservations early. You don’t need to plan every detail of your trip months in advance, but it’s wise to at least book your flight far in advance. This will give you better choices for flight days and times as well as lower prices in general.
Tip #10 – Pack an extra charger for your tablet, cell phone, and other devices. This will give you more peace of mind knowing that all your devices will stay charged even if one gets misplaced. And it’s helpful if you are like me and enjoy movies on the go. Don’t forget to pack an extra camera battery as well.
Tip #11 – Eat locally. This relates to leaving your comfort zone. It’s easy and comfortable to eat at fast food restaurants, but you can enjoy those anytime back home. Try the local cuisine. You might discover some amazing dishes that you will want to make after you return! Plus, you will be supporting local people instead of big businesses.
Tip #12 – Learn a few new words. This may be the wisest expert travel tip in order to win favor with the local people. Even spending 20-25 hours on Duolingo before you travel can go a long way. If you can greet and speak a few sentences with the locals, they will often welcome you with open arms. This is a great investment of your time.
Tip #13 – Stay hydrated. Don’t go anywhere without a water bottle. We highly recommend you bring your own water bottle to save both money and the planet. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water on the airplane and as you explore your destination. Make sure the water you use is clean though.
Tip #14 – Sign up for rewards programs. This is a great expert travel tip to save money if you travel often. You can earn points for free flights and hotels as well as some other great perks like free stuff. Here are some other tips for saving money while traveling.
Tip #15 – Good walking shoes are a must. Most travel involves a good amount of walking. You will regret not bringing a comfortable pair of walking shoes when your feet are aching for days. If you don’t yet own a good pair, this is a worthwhile investment.
Tip #16 – Always bring a towel. This may surprise you, but not all hotels provide towels. Or you will need one if you stay in a hostel or less expensive lodging option. This is something you don’t want to be without, and it doesn’t take up much space.
Tip #17 – Research your destination. While you don’t need to overplan, spending a few hours researching your destination will help you make the most of your trip. Most people who love adventure also want to hit lesser known spots, which often takes a little research.
Tip #18 – Prepare for an upset stomach. Eating new foods in new places can be really fun but also a little risky. If you eat a meal at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, your stomach may not appreciate it. Bring some things that may help with an upset stomach like Pepto, antacids, papaya, or ginger.
Tip #19 – Do what you actually want to do. Don’t go to an art museum if you don’t like art. Don’t worry about what others normally do or think you should do at your destination. Your trip will be significantly more enjoyable if you do what most interests you.
Tip #20 – Be friendly. Many places don’t mind foreigners, but that’s not always true. However, a portion of the locals will be more friendly and helpful if you are smiling and being polite. Plus, knowing a little bit of the language can go a very long way.
Tip #21 – Purchase travel health insurance before your trip. This is a no-brainer to protect both you and your loved ones.
One of our team members is an avid scuba dive, and he scuba dives throughout this wonderful world. We know that no matter where we are, something may go wrong medically. Since our primary doctors are on the other side of the world when we travel, we make sure we have the best travel insurance money can buy. Why? First, it provides us with peace of mind.
Secondly, I would rather hand over my travel insurance card than my Visa or Mastercard to the hospital. Good Neighbor Insurance has many great travel plans to choose from, but our favorite is the GeoBlue Voyager Choice plan.
One of the great benefits of an international travel insurance policy is the evacuation coverage. No one expects to use this benefit. But I’m happy to know that, if needed, I will be flown to the nearest and best hospital to take care of any medical condition that may arise.
Did you know an average international medical evacuation flight, one way, can cost between 20,000USD to 40,000USD? Yikes!
That money could be used to renovate your house or purchase a new car for you or your loved one. Or could fund an incredible vacation to take your family somewhere really special like Europe, the Bahamas, or Disney World. Yes, our family is that special.
Travel insurance is just another instrument to keep our family from entering financial ruin. Who enjoys spending money on insurance? Not me! But, I would rather spend the small amount per day (about the price of my hot coffee I get at my local java shop) on peace of mind knowing my family is taken care of. Isn’t that what a husband and dad is supposed to do? Take care of his family first? For sure!
Uncertain which travel insurance is best for you and your family? Connect with us. Our licensed trained insurance team members are here to serve you, our guests! You may call us at 480-813-9100 or email us.
Feel free to share with us some of your best expert travel tips. Safe travels from your GNI team!