Why we like it:
We recommend this travel medical plan for those residing outside of the U.S. who wish to have trip cancelation coverage for their international travels. On the Comprehensive plan, you may choose coverage for your European travel or for worldwide coverage.
This travel medical insurance plan features up to $2,000 in trip cancelation for round trips on the Comprehensive plan.
Note: Trip cancelation benefit is not available for U.S. residents or trips that originate within the U.S.
Good for:
- Non-U.S. residents that require trip cancelation coverage
- Travelers under the age of 72
- Those traveling up to 180 days
- Up to $1,000,000 in medical coverage
- Covers trip cost up to $2,000 per person
- Comprehensive trip cancelation, trip interruption, and baggage coverage
- For trips that originate outside U.S.
- May purchase up to age 71
- $1,000,000 in medical coverage
- $100,000 in medical evacuation & repatriation
- $100,000 in personal liability coverage
Eligibility for the Comprehensive Plan:
- Non-U.S. resident
- You must be 71 or younger at the time of enrollment
- Initial purchase must be made from outside of U.S. prior to departure
- Each trip must be round-trip
When to Apply
- With trip cancelation coverage, we recommend applying as soon as you book your travel.
- Trip Cancelation up to $2,000 per person ($100 deductible per trip)
- Baggage loss or theft up to $2,500
- Medical coverage up to $1,000,000
- Emergency evacuations for non-medical reasons up to $1,500
- Emergency Medical expense up to $1,000,000
- Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation up to $100,000
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment up to $100,000
- Personal liability coverage up to $100,000
Benefits available for additional premium:
- Stable Pre-existing condition coverage
- Winter Sport package to cover ski equipment, delay due to avalanche, piste closure, etc.
- Golf Package to cover golf equipment, non-refundable golfing fees
- Business Package to cover equipment, business money, etc.
Here at Good Neighbor Insurance it is very important for us to connect with you.
As an international service provider, we want to be sure that you are taken care of while you, your family, and your friends are traveling or residing around the world. It is our honor to serve you!